Friday 18 January 2013

Two Week Update

I know I have not posted in a while (shame on me) but I did not intend on making this a daily occurrence. I only want to write if there is something I have done that is worthwhile to share. Classes have now begun which is exciting within itself! I started off taking four classes, but due to time schedules I am now taking 3. These classes are as follows; Learning and Memory (which I am taking towards my psychology major), Introduction to Roman Art, and the History of Popular Music. Each one has been incredibly interesting in its own way and having to go for only one to two hours Tuesday-Friday is not a bad schedule. This gives me tons of times for some awesome activities. I have recently discovered Medicine, and no it is not talking about a pharmacy, it is a hangout on campus where students go to hangout on weekdays and play pool and on weekends it gets turned into a club. I also like to go to Crosslands, an on-campus restraunt, where I get some chips and hang out with my friends. All in all it has been really fun.

Now I'll talk about some fun adventures that I have had. Last Sunday me and my friend ventured out into London in search of Oxford street. We were on a mission, and that mission was Primark! We had both heard of this store through haul videos done on YouTube and saw that it was priced relatively cheap. We were able to make our way through the city (along with using the underground) and managed to make it to our destination. But not without some lunch first. We ate at Nandos, which is famous for their chicken and spicy sauce. I was literally in heaven! It tasted so good. We had such a fun time and I cannot wait for my return to the city next week (will be included in my next update) in the meantime enjoy the pictures we took of the day.

And then there was today! Now today was great for many reasons that can all be boiled down to one word...SNOW! It finally came, and no I am no talking about some light drops that do not stick once they hit the ground, I am talking full blown white-floor snow wonderland. I was as giddy as a little school girl. There was so much joy to be shared with everyone there witnessing this snowy miracle! I had to take a video just to show it (sorry that it was poor quality, it was on my phone and I was so excited I couldn't hold it steady, you can find it on Facebook). If you wish I just posted some pictures below that you can look at of my and my friend just playing around in the white fluff.

 Hope everyone is doing well and I will be doing some fun stuff next week giving me more material to write about. I just have to say I have been here two weeks and it still feels surreal! Just feeling super blessed to be here and am excited for what will become of my next adventures in the city.

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